Entries from 2015-12-02 to 1 day

Heredity and Alcohol dependence

Even though the prevalent theory is that alcohol addiction is a problem that an individual acquires on their own, there is a rising hypothesis that there may be a hereditary component to alcoholism. Many specialists think that alcohol depe…

One in five adult Americans have cohabitated with an alcohol dependent relative while growing up. In general, these children are at higher threat for having emotional issues than children whose parents are not alcoholics. Alcohol dependence runs in famili

A child being raised by a parent or caregiver who is suffering from alcohol abuse might have a variety of conflicting feelings that need to be dealt with to derail any future problems. Due to the fact that they can not go to their own pare…

The Path to Addiction: Stages of Alcoholism

Moderate drinking isn't a reason for concern in most adults. As soon as alcohol consumption gets out of control, you may be on a harmful path towards addiction. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) believes that 18…